Monday, January 23, 2017

The Fall of the Woman

     In Genesis Chapter 2 it says, "Then the Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper as his complement.'" Later on in the chapter it says, "And the man said: This one, at last, is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; this one will be called 'woman.'"

I have an amazing women's study Bible. It gives detailed descriptions, insights, and perspectives. In Genesis it discusses how the woman came to be and the judgment of the woman - and the fall of the woman.

As most people know, us women get misguided sometimes by feelings, emotions, or shiny things. The Bible goes on to say in chapter 3 "Then the woman saw that the tree was good for food and delightful to look at, and that it was desirable for obtaining wisdom..." Moving on down a few verses "So the Lord God asked the woman, 'What is this you have done?'" In verse 16 God brings down judgment on the woman, "He said to the woman: 'I will intensify your labor pains; you will bear children in anguish. Your desire will be for your husband, yet he will rule over you.'"

First, this is important because this is the first time (EVER) that a woman was told that a man would rule over her (which we all know is a controversial issue right now). Today's "feminists" would hear that and see red so I'm just going to clarify something for the female genital hat wearing marchers. This pronouncement of judgment on Eve is NOT giving men permission to sexually harass/abuse/speak slander/or any other "offensive" thing bad men are known to participate in. I do not condone that kind of behavior and I do not think it should be swept under the rug. But I want you to take a look at something else also. The Lord God said and I quote, "Your desire will be for your HUSBAND, yet he will rule over you." This is not talking about a random man on the street, but your husband. It is not saying a man doesn't have to respect you, but that he will be the leader of your household and you are to respect him. Period.

Secondly, that poor Eve. She gets such a bad rap. When I think of Eve I think of my best friend, Lexus. It is a well known fact that Lexus does not handle it very well when she is told what to do. She will not take it, but she'll especially go crazy if it is from a man. In her mind, she is a powerful, beautiful, strong willed woman who doesn't take orders from a man. And most of us think that way, also. Even I believe that I can take care of myself and don't need to depend on a man and most of our mamas and dads raised us that way. Lexus is the most hard headed, beautiful woman. She has fire in her soul.
Unlike these women marchers, she and I, respect men and we respect God's plan for men and women.

So what do you think Eve was thinking? I must join a movement to make other people pay for what I screwed up? I must march down the street to fight for the right to abort the child that I made myself? 

Eve was manipulated by an evil serpent and a big, beautiful, fruitful tree.
Thus, sin entered the world.
Some would call it the fall of the woman.

 I'm not saying women are the roots of all sin and evil. God created women as the first solution to a problem. The man shouldn't be alone. I am just pointing out that women were not made to be the same as men. We weren't made to do the same work or lead the same. Are there disgusting excuses for men out there? Absolutely. But it is our job as God fearing women to recognize that of course we aren't suppose to do all things that men do. We weren't created for that! Our jobs and our roles in this world fill in the blanks of things that men can't do. And that is not a bad thing.
It doesn't mean that we are incapable.
 It doesn't mean that we stand back and let us and other women get taken advantage of.
It doesn't mean that rape is okay.
It doesn't mean that harassment is okay.
It also doesn't mean that all men are pigs.
It also doesn't mean that a man you disagree with can't run the country.
It doesn't mean that your insurance rights will be taken away.
It doesn't mean you can abort a life because the circumstances are less than ideal.
It doesn't mean that this new administration doesn't care about abused women.
It doesn't mean that I need you to march down streets for me.
It doesn't mean that it is appropriate for you to march half naked while wearing genital hats.
It doesn't mean that American taxpayers should pay for you to have free birth control, condoms, mammograms, medical exams, etc.
It doesn't mean that I, and every other person in this country, could care less about you.

You do not represent me or my family.

I will not going to be a woman of today's standards. I will not support or defend the idea and action of taking a life inside the womb that God Himself created. And I sure as heck won't pay for it. I will not be a woman who throws a fit or disrespects the office of the President of the United States. I will not be a woman that tears down other women, but I will also not be a woman that allows such misguided, disrespectful women to speak for me.

You made it perfectly clear that you wanted to be heard. Now, hear me.

Congratulations. You are a key piece in the fall of the woman.