Friday, February 26, 2016

daylight and dark: part 2

Today, my very best friend had her wisdom teeth removed.
Boy, was that an experience!
Today, she accused her mom of
 ruining her life because we didn't stop at KFC on the way home.
She told me to shut up countless times.
Every time she looked at me she said, "hey girl, what's up?"
She put on her own, personal concert in the car (that's not much different than real life).
She cried... A LOT.
I have medicated her as much as they'll let me!
She flipped her mom and I off.
We napped.
We watched the new Fuller House!
She cried some more...
(Don't worry, we videoed everything.)
She has napped with me COUNTLESS times after my many procedures and surgeries.
Always checks on me and brings me balloons.
Always reminds me just how strong I am.
Why wouldn't I want to do the same for her and more?
If you don't have somebody like that for you...GET ONE.
I don't want to be cliché and use the Christina and Meredith and the whole "you're my person" thing.
But, there is no better way to describe it.
So glad God knew we would need each other some day. 
I don't know how anybody makes it through life without a Princess Lex.
You're missing out.
This is just one many segments of daylight and dark. So get used to us. :)
Me: So, are you ready to have surgery again?
Lex: *shoots me some dagger eyes*
Uh, no. What kind of question is that? 
Me: How was your first surgery experience?
Lex: Terrible. I'm hurting. I'm drooling. Oh, and I'm hungry.
Me: Aren't you glad you had me here to take care of you?
Lex: Duh. You were really nice to me. You cuddled me. You didn't yell at me
like my mom. (WE LOVE YOU MAGON) You took care of Baden, too. And you made me
get up and pee when I didn't want to. And you made
me drink water when I didn't want to.
That's a best friend.
Me: *silently thinking those are the nicest things she's ever said me in a row*
I'm glad you're my best friend, dude.

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