Saturday, June 11, 2016

Super Cooper

     The most beautiful thing in the world to me is a city skyline. Don't get me wrong I love the beautiful fields, pastures, and rolling hills of Alabama, but nothing beats a skyline. I have seen the most majestic skyline of New York City from the top of the Empire State Building, but another one of my favorite sights is south bound on the interstate and you come around just a small curve into Birmingham and there it is.

     Most people that come by this city usually just think of how many times Birmingham has been on the news lately for violence. Or that its trash or just a ghetto. But for some people (like me) Birmingham is a symbol of hope. I have not had it rough by any means, but this city has personally touched me and played a role in what kind of young woman I have become and it continues to shape children into warriors.
     This week I got to meet a little boy who has no idea what a huge impact Children's of Alabama will have on what kind of man he grows up to be (his name is Super Cooper and believe me he is super in every way). Cooper is currently fighting a tough battle against a brain tumor. He has the sweetest, most God fearing parents who I can already tell have an amazing support system and network of prayer warriors. And he has an awesome big brother as well! Super Cooper has the architect of the universe on his side and the best hospital, nurses, doctors, and caregivers a little super hero could have. I still ask God, why? Why him? Why so young? Why not me instead of him? But we don't get to choose what battles we are dealt. We don't get to tell cancer or diseases to go away. Even then, it is well.

"Far be it from me to not believe
Even when my eyes can't see

And this mountain that's in front of me
Will be thrown into the midst of the sea

Through it all, through it all
My eyes are on You
Through it all, through it all
It is well"

     The next time you are headed to the beach or to Tuscaloosa for a ballgame and you can get a glimpse of this skyline...don't miss it. It is not just a place with horrible traffic or 10 different hospitals. It is a place where innocent kids feel pain that they never should. It is a place where parents are put in impossible situations. It is a place where lives are literally changed. It is a place where God's grace is evident around every corner.

...and it happens to house a whole building of Super Coopers who need your prayers. When they look out their hospital room window, imagine what it would be like if all the people in all the cars that pass by said a prayer. Imagine if you decided not to complain about the traffic or how you hate any city for that matter and you turned your head and really looked at this building...

...just imagine and take a moment to say a prayer for all the Super Coopers in that city.

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