Monday, January 23, 2017

The Fall of the Woman

     In Genesis Chapter 2 it says, "Then the Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper as his complement.'" Later on in the chapter it says, "And the man said: This one, at last, is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; this one will be called 'woman.'"

I have an amazing women's study Bible. It gives detailed descriptions, insights, and perspectives. In Genesis it discusses how the woman came to be and the judgment of the woman - and the fall of the woman.

As most people know, us women get misguided sometimes by feelings, emotions, or shiny things. The Bible goes on to say in chapter 3 "Then the woman saw that the tree was good for food and delightful to look at, and that it was desirable for obtaining wisdom..." Moving on down a few verses "So the Lord God asked the woman, 'What is this you have done?'" In verse 16 God brings down judgment on the woman, "He said to the woman: 'I will intensify your labor pains; you will bear children in anguish. Your desire will be for your husband, yet he will rule over you.'"

First, this is important because this is the first time (EVER) that a woman was told that a man would rule over her (which we all know is a controversial issue right now). Today's "feminists" would hear that and see red so I'm just going to clarify something for the female genital hat wearing marchers. This pronouncement of judgment on Eve is NOT giving men permission to sexually harass/abuse/speak slander/or any other "offensive" thing bad men are known to participate in. I do not condone that kind of behavior and I do not think it should be swept under the rug. But I want you to take a look at something else also. The Lord God said and I quote, "Your desire will be for your HUSBAND, yet he will rule over you." This is not talking about a random man on the street, but your husband. It is not saying a man doesn't have to respect you, but that he will be the leader of your household and you are to respect him. Period.

Secondly, that poor Eve. She gets such a bad rap. When I think of Eve I think of my best friend, Lexus. It is a well known fact that Lexus does not handle it very well when she is told what to do. She will not take it, but she'll especially go crazy if it is from a man. In her mind, she is a powerful, beautiful, strong willed woman who doesn't take orders from a man. And most of us think that way, also. Even I believe that I can take care of myself and don't need to depend on a man and most of our mamas and dads raised us that way. Lexus is the most hard headed, beautiful woman. She has fire in her soul.
Unlike these women marchers, she and I, respect men and we respect God's plan for men and women.

So what do you think Eve was thinking? I must join a movement to make other people pay for what I screwed up? I must march down the street to fight for the right to abort the child that I made myself? 

Eve was manipulated by an evil serpent and a big, beautiful, fruitful tree.
Thus, sin entered the world.
Some would call it the fall of the woman.

 I'm not saying women are the roots of all sin and evil. God created women as the first solution to a problem. The man shouldn't be alone. I am just pointing out that women were not made to be the same as men. We weren't made to do the same work or lead the same. Are there disgusting excuses for men out there? Absolutely. But it is our job as God fearing women to recognize that of course we aren't suppose to do all things that men do. We weren't created for that! Our jobs and our roles in this world fill in the blanks of things that men can't do. And that is not a bad thing.
It doesn't mean that we are incapable.
 It doesn't mean that we stand back and let us and other women get taken advantage of.
It doesn't mean that rape is okay.
It doesn't mean that harassment is okay.
It also doesn't mean that all men are pigs.
It also doesn't mean that a man you disagree with can't run the country.
It doesn't mean that your insurance rights will be taken away.
It doesn't mean you can abort a life because the circumstances are less than ideal.
It doesn't mean that this new administration doesn't care about abused women.
It doesn't mean that I need you to march down streets for me.
It doesn't mean that it is appropriate for you to march half naked while wearing genital hats.
It doesn't mean that American taxpayers should pay for you to have free birth control, condoms, mammograms, medical exams, etc.
It doesn't mean that I, and every other person in this country, could care less about you.

You do not represent me or my family.

I will not going to be a woman of today's standards. I will not support or defend the idea and action of taking a life inside the womb that God Himself created. And I sure as heck won't pay for it. I will not be a woman who throws a fit or disrespects the office of the President of the United States. I will not be a woman that tears down other women, but I will also not be a woman that allows such misguided, disrespectful women to speak for me.

You made it perfectly clear that you wanted to be heard. Now, hear me.

Congratulations. You are a key piece in the fall of the woman.



Saturday, June 11, 2016

Super Cooper

     The most beautiful thing in the world to me is a city skyline. Don't get me wrong I love the beautiful fields, pastures, and rolling hills of Alabama, but nothing beats a skyline. I have seen the most majestic skyline of New York City from the top of the Empire State Building, but another one of my favorite sights is south bound on the interstate and you come around just a small curve into Birmingham and there it is.

     Most people that come by this city usually just think of how many times Birmingham has been on the news lately for violence. Or that its trash or just a ghetto. But for some people (like me) Birmingham is a symbol of hope. I have not had it rough by any means, but this city has personally touched me and played a role in what kind of young woman I have become and it continues to shape children into warriors.
     This week I got to meet a little boy who has no idea what a huge impact Children's of Alabama will have on what kind of man he grows up to be (his name is Super Cooper and believe me he is super in every way). Cooper is currently fighting a tough battle against a brain tumor. He has the sweetest, most God fearing parents who I can already tell have an amazing support system and network of prayer warriors. And he has an awesome big brother as well! Super Cooper has the architect of the universe on his side and the best hospital, nurses, doctors, and caregivers a little super hero could have. I still ask God, why? Why him? Why so young? Why not me instead of him? But we don't get to choose what battles we are dealt. We don't get to tell cancer or diseases to go away. Even then, it is well.

"Far be it from me to not believe
Even when my eyes can't see

And this mountain that's in front of me
Will be thrown into the midst of the sea

Through it all, through it all
My eyes are on You
Through it all, through it all
It is well"

     The next time you are headed to the beach or to Tuscaloosa for a ballgame and you can get a glimpse of this skyline...don't miss it. It is not just a place with horrible traffic or 10 different hospitals. It is a place where innocent kids feel pain that they never should. It is a place where parents are put in impossible situations. It is a place where lives are literally changed. It is a place where God's grace is evident around every corner.

...and it happens to house a whole building of Super Coopers who need your prayers. When they look out their hospital room window, imagine what it would be like if all the people in all the cars that pass by said a prayer. Imagine if you decided not to complain about the traffic or how you hate any city for that matter and you turned your head and really looked at this building...

...just imagine and take a moment to say a prayer for all the Super Coopers in that city.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Comfortable or mission minded?

Comfortable or mission minded?
I love love love my comfort zone. I do not like to get out of it
and I don't know many people that do.
Whether you're like me and hate all things that might be a little risky or
you might be a homebody and can't stand to travel always miss out on something.
This last October, Lexus made me go to a haunted house. 
and the craziest thing happened...I had fun.
Now, that doesn't mean I will ever go to anything like that EVER again.
The same thing applies with going somewhere new. You might miss out
on seeing more of the world God created and the majestic beauty of it all.
You cannot be the body of Christ and be surrounded by comfort at the same time.
When we strive for comfort above all else, we enter into a toxic place.
 It drains our desire to grow within Christ, it drains the excitement
of worshipping the Almighty, it drains all the passion from your heart. 
We no longer are concerned with growing the body of Christ, but making sure
it is comfortable.
You cannot be mission minded and comfortable at the same time.
"Christians must be extremely intentional with their thoughts and actions to avoid comfort. If not, you become resistant to change. You start making secondary issues primary. You begin to see the mission as catering to insiders rather than reaching outsiders."
Our job is not to constantly cater to insiders, but to reach to outsiders.
If we never step out of that cozy comfort zone, we will never fully
be able to spread the Gospel of Christ.
Maybe stepping out means just a small step that has to grow everyday or
it could mean going for a huge move that has been on your heart.
Jesus sure wasn't comfortable up on that glorious cross-
God's plans for us do not make sure it is scheduled when our calendar
says we're free or for when we decide that we're ready.
He is not on our time, we are on His.
You cannot be mission minded and comfortable at the same time.


Friday, February 26, 2016

daylight and dark: part 2

Today, my very best friend had her wisdom teeth removed.
Boy, was that an experience!
Today, she accused her mom of
 ruining her life because we didn't stop at KFC on the way home.
She told me to shut up countless times.
Every time she looked at me she said, "hey girl, what's up?"
She put on her own, personal concert in the car (that's not much different than real life).
She cried... A LOT.
I have medicated her as much as they'll let me!
She flipped her mom and I off.
We napped.
We watched the new Fuller House!
She cried some more...
(Don't worry, we videoed everything.)
She has napped with me COUNTLESS times after my many procedures and surgeries.
Always checks on me and brings me balloons.
Always reminds me just how strong I am.
Why wouldn't I want to do the same for her and more?
If you don't have somebody like that for you...GET ONE.
I don't want to be cliché and use the Christina and Meredith and the whole "you're my person" thing.
But, there is no better way to describe it.
So glad God knew we would need each other some day. 
I don't know how anybody makes it through life without a Princess Lex.
You're missing out.
This is just one many segments of daylight and dark. So get used to us. :)
Me: So, are you ready to have surgery again?
Lex: *shoots me some dagger eyes*
Uh, no. What kind of question is that? 
Me: How was your first surgery experience?
Lex: Terrible. I'm hurting. I'm drooling. Oh, and I'm hungry.
Me: Aren't you glad you had me here to take care of you?
Lex: Duh. You were really nice to me. You cuddled me. You didn't yell at me
like my mom. (WE LOVE YOU MAGON) You took care of Baden, too. And you made me
get up and pee when I didn't want to. And you made
me drink water when I didn't want to.
That's a best friend.
Me: *silently thinking those are the nicest things she's ever said me in a row*
I'm glad you're my best friend, dude.

Friday, February 12, 2016

finding joy in the journey

Last Sunday at church we watched a video with various testimonies on pieces of cardboard in writing. Whatever they had gone through was on the front, then they flipped the signs to the back and it said what God did for their situation and how He saved them, their life, their marriage, etc. 

As I have thought about that this past week, I have grown more and more frustrated. Why hasn't my sign flipped? Why am I still in the midst of the struggle? Why haven't I been pulled out yet? This really began to bother me. 

I have had rheumatoid arthritis for almost 4 years now, new trials and issues stem from that horrid autoimmune disease everyday. I've never been the one to get "mad" at God. I'm the rational, logical one that knows His plan is the best plan. In His time and way, I will be healed. But lately, that hasn't seemed to be cutting it for me. I have had an infection for months now, one that my body just can't seem to shake. Countless tests, couple of procedures, and medicine out the yin yang...and it's still there. Out of all the sicknesses I have had over the last few years, this one has had the biggest impact on me. I have cried more, gotten angrier, and questioned God more than I ever have through this whole journey. 

I get to thinking...Jesus healed the blind, made the paralyzed walk again, parted seas, saved souls, cast out demons, walked on water, and yet I am still sick. 

I don't like that me. I like the me who's faith is unmoving, who whole heartedly trusts the one who moves mountains, and believes He moves mountains for me. I get so wrapped up in what is wrong with me and not in what isn't wrong with me. I get consumed by trying to hold it all together and be strong and couragous and brave and kind, that I forget who I'm suppose to be holding onto. I forget that its okay to not be okay. I forget that I have the Messiah in my corner, the King that has already won. He is THE one God. And His power lives within me. 

Over these next couple of weeks, I pray that I am in constant knowledge of just who I have on my side. I pray that I will let go and just be held by Him. I pray that all these awful diseases and cancers will one day be like the common cold. I pray and long for the day that no pain is felt. I pray that I am joyful in the days filled with sorrow and dwell on the days full of joy. I pray for the people who love me without hesitation, Lord knows that's not an easy thing to do. I pray to always remember that believing in this Savior isn't logical or rational, it is completely by faith. I pray that I lose control, that I give it up to Him. I pray that I never forget that where I end up isn't what's going to shape and mold me into the Proverbs 31 woman I was made to be - the journey, the struggle, the trials, the hardships, the friendships, the love, the faith, the trust - that's when I will be the clay and You the potter. 

I pray that I never lose the ability to always find joy in the journey, whatever that journey might be. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

daylight and dark

Meet Princess Lex
Lexus always has that smile on her face.
And she'll make you wear that same smile.
She is my best friend.
She stays up all night with me to do homework that we probably should have started sooner.
We travel, we laugh.
She takes me to the dentist and to the doctor because who would want to go alone?
Her family is my family, my family is her family.
She understands my heart.
She always listens to my constant dreaming of New York City and where all I want to go in life.
She supports my book addiction.
She is always there to remind me of the good qualities I have, but also there to keep the bad ones in check.
She eats Reese Puffs for every meal of the day with me.
We attempt to cook and are learning that we may or may not be the next Paula Dean.
We are opposites, like daylight and dark, and it works perfectly that way.
Laughter, laughter, and more laughter.
I also got to pick up 2 extra siblings from her (they're super cute) and she got a big brother + a few nephews.
How lucky am I?
I'm just feeling thankful today and thought I would introduce Lex & Al to y'all.
She's the princess (if you cant tell).
Henslee is one of the greatest friends I could have ever gained.

We spend way too much money in the Summer, now we're just two broke college kids who watch an unhealthy amount of Netflix.
She puts up with my family...
...And I hers.
As you can see, she is ALWAYS super loving...

Staying in my comfort zone is never an option...
And she gets out of hers too...
She lets me drag her to all the places I love...

We are by no means normal.
We eat our weight in Ninja and Oreo batter.
We sing Hannah Montana and Dixie Chicks at the top of our lungs, especially on our countless late night Sonic runs.
We clearly take WAY too many pictures.
And I wouldn't want to do any of these things with anyone else.
To have a best friend like this is a blessing straight from Jesus.
And boy, did He bless me.

"...If either of them falls down, one can help the other up..."




Sunday, January 10, 2016

Who am I?

These past few weeks at church our pastor has been teaching on prayer and the power of it. In my spiritual walk with Christ, prayer is one of my weak points. You know how when you feel like the preacher is talking directly to you so you discreetly look around you to see if anybody else is staring at you? Yeah, that's how this has been. I hope I'm not the only one that does that...that would be embarrassing..
Anyways, like most people, my prayer life is not what it needs to be. Sure, I talk to God. I have casual conversations with Him. That's just the way He and I exist. But that's the problem, its just existing. Of course your prayer life should be your personal preference. Everybody has their personal speed dial to Him, but some times I think I need to give Him more than just a conversation while I'm driving to school or cleaning the kitchen. I feel like I should be devoting a time to Him that is like no other. A time to praise Him and to thank Him.
Most people have the problem of only calling on God when life is just not going their way and neglect to thank Him. I'm quite the opposite. I'll thank Him 24/7. But when it comes time for help, I tend to struggle...Its the strangest thing. I don't know if I just think I'm some type of superwomen that's just not in a tight suit or if I just don't want to hand over complete control.
Tonight at church we read a passage in Mark 9 about Jesus casting out this evil spirit from this man's son. When this dad is asking Jesus to take pity on them he asks Jesus to do anything if He can. So of course Jesus is like whoa dude, IF I CAN? (I mean its Jesus, of course He can). Jesus proceeds to tell him, "Everything is possible for one who believes." The man replies by exclaiming, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief."
When I read that man's desperate plea for Jesus to help him overcome this unbelief, I instantly starting thinking...What am I doing by not trusting Him with my worldly problems? Is that a form of unbelief? Who am I to decide what He can handle? I have always felt like if I asked for Christ's help, I wasn't strong enough. If I came to him with my pleas for Him to relieve even a fraction of my pain that I would be just wasting His time when there are far more people in this world that need more help than I do. In my opinion, my pain is so tiny in the grand scheme of things. But He is the Ultimate Father. The number one thing a father wants to do is wipe the pain away. They are the protectors and the comforters. Why not give Him the trust and belief to do just that?  
Who am I to question His abilities?
He's the Almighty.
Alpha and Omega.
He conquered death.
Defeated the grave.
And He can't handle my problems?...yeah right.